
Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

You simply press a help button that you wear and you are instantly connected to one of our care specialist’s through the PERS console. We will assist you in getting the help you need. We will contact family, friends, neighbors or an ambulance, whoever you want. Our System provides excellent assistance and peace of mind in an emergency.

What happens when I press the button?

When the help button is pressed, the call for help is sent to our monitoring center, the care specialist will speak with you through the PERS console, which is a very sensitive  speakerphone. We will follow your instructions and summon whomever you want. If you or they can’t speak for any reason we will follow the set of instruction set up by you when you first received the system.

Once the button is pressed, does the call go directly to 911?

The call goes to our Call Center Operators, they access the situation and will contact 911 immediately if that’s what’s needed or they’ll follow your wishes in order to get you the proper response.


What if I’m in a different room from the system?

The speaker is extremely loud and the microphone on the button is very sensitive. When you first receive the system we will test it with you so you will know exactly where it works best. The system receives the signal from the help button from up to 600 feet away.

What happens if I can’t speak or can’t be heard?

If we can’t hear you, we will follow the instructions you gave us when you set up your system. We will call friends, family, loved ones, or 911. You will tell us who to contact first in the event that you are unable to speak or we can’t hear you. Again, the choices are yours.

Is the system automatically tested or do I have to test it?

Yes to both questions. The console tests test’s itself every week by sending us a signal. Additionally we recommend that you push your help button at least once a week and talk to us as further reassurance.


Can I call because maybe I’m feeling faint but don’t want 911 called; I just want someone called from my contact list instead?

Of course! That’s why we’re here. We will contact whomever you wish and in whatever order you desire.

Do I have to program it when it arrives?

No, we take care of all that. You simply need to plug it in the same way you would an answering machine and push the button to test it. It’s that simple.

Where are you located?

Our Call Center is a UL listed, CSAA (Central Station Alarm Association) 5 Diamond Rated monitoring center, staffed with highly trained care specialists at our secure facility in Manchester, NH. From there we monitor customers from all across the US.

Are you operators fully trained and qualified?

All of our people complete a minimum of 6 weeks of training before they ever take a phone call. All our care specialists are CSAA (Central Station Alarm Association) certified. Our specialists exceed the highest standard for monitoring center personnel, plus supervisors are always present to ensure that calls are handled properly.

Are you open 24 hours a day?

Yes. Care specialists and customer service associates are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle your emergencies or just answer your questions.


If I call for emergency help, where is my call get answered, locally or out of State?

All calls go to the our monitoring center to ensure the greatest level of service. We store and your record all your local authority phone numbers. In the event that you require assistance, we will notify parties responsible to go to your home. This information is verified by our data entry group before the system is sent to you.

How much, or what information goes into your computer?

It’s entirely up to you. We will input whatever information you wish to provide in terms of medical records, who to contact, when and in what particular order.